Thursday, June 14, 2007

Lily Allen: "I Don't Want To Be A Celebrity"

Well, Lily Allen has had enough!

The singer posted a rampage on her blog entitled, "FUCK OFF, FUCK OFF".

She goes on about how the paparazzi and tabloids twist everything she says.

Here's part of what she had to say:

"The thing is , im not going to write here so often now . this used to be one of my favourite things to do . I could come on here and vent how i feel honestly and get feedback from you guys . But the tabloid fucks have ruined it . Everything i write here gets twisted and rewritten buy a bunch of lazy fucks who havent got anything better to write about . And the truth is I don't want to be in their fucking stupid magazines and daily fuck rags . Infact I hate it , i dont want to be a celebrity , I am a singer , I write songs , thats it . I don't sleep and take drugs with famous people( i have a boyfriend ive been with for nearly 3 years ) , I don't go to film premieres . I don't go shopping in the paparazzi hotspots , so please leave me alone . Write about something interesting , and that actually needs to be alked about . I don't want to live in a world where the most interesting thing is Paris Hilton and ' how shes doing in jail ' . Why do we care , seriously ? Guys the world is MELTING , we are KILLING innocent people , so we can steal their oil , killing them. 400000 people are dead and 2.5 million have no home in Darfur .............. but then again Lindsay did work out at the gym this afternoon and thats what really counts ."


BOO HOO Mrs. Allen!


You got into this business knowing damn well that you could "possibly" become "famous".
Unfortunately, not everyone is going to like you and I can certainly speak from experience.
Just ignore it and move on....your fans clearly want you to write on your blog as often as you can.
If anything, remember and do things for your the end of the day, that's all the matters.

AND YES, all the other problems in the world are far more important...but think about the positive side, by making all this money, you can help out and take part in those situations in the world.

You know how many people in the world would die to be able to have that chance!?

To use their "celebrity status" to help change things....may I remind you of one of my idols: Bono (U2)

Cheer up buttercup....your music rocks! So shut the fuck up! LOL


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Unknown said...

Dude, you seriously sound like an ignorant twat. Do you have a soul? This poor girl is upset and frustrated, as she should be, about the sorry state of the society in which she lives and you are telling her to suck it up? And do you really think the couple million dollars that she makes will actually help solve anything? And why is it her responsibility to fix it anyways? Also, what has Bono ACTUALLY accomplished? Not a hell of a lot!
I love you Nick, but lighten up.

Anonymous said...

I actually agree with Lily. Poeple focus on such rediculous things nowadays. Its a sad world!