Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Ryan Seacrest...Gay?

Last night on American Idol, Simon Cowell made a reference to Seacrest's gayness.

Ryan Seacrest: "We have a question from Georgia. What do you consider the hardest part of this contest?"

Melinda Doolittle: "Wow. I would have to say the high heels and these dresses. I like my tennis shoes and my sweat pants. I'm sorry."

Seacrest: "Simon, any advice on the high heels?"

Cowell: "You should know, Ryan."

Seacrest: "Stay out of my closet, Simon."

Cowell: "Well, come out."

Seacrest: "This is about the top twelve. Okay? Not your wishes...We're friends."


ANYWAY...Make what you want of it...but my opinion is...when looking at the photo above..what straight guy goes grocery shopping with a male friend?!?!? Hmmmm....

Seacrests male friend is wearing a shirt that says, "Everyone is an Actor" it possible the "un-known" male friend could be ryan's (an actor himself) boyfriend? According to Celebrity Babylon, Ryan is wearing a shirt that strategically says, "Born To Ride"..........Hmmm..........Could they be trying to come out by t-shirt slogans???

The duo were also spotted running together...

Photo Source:

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