Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Stallone caught for illegally bringing muscle-building hormone into Australia

Well when I heard about this...I actually laughed perfusely.
Yes, the Rocky man has gotten in trouble in Australia after trying to bring vials of a muscle-building hormone into Sydney Airport, where it is restricted. Stallone could possibly face a maximum of $86,000 & 5-years in Prison! (Which I think is highly unlikely! He's Rocky for christmas sakes! He'll fight em all!!!)
Anyway, court is ajourned till April 24th, when Stallone's lawyers travel back to Australia to fight the charge of "importing a banned substance".
You know what I think...??? I think Stallone is getting ready for at least one more Rocky!

"Stallone and his entourage were stopped at Sydney airport and kept for several hours on 16 February 2007, as he arrived for a promotional visit, while customs officials searched bags and confiscated items." - Associate Press

Source: Associate Press
Photo: SylvesterStallone.com

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