Friday, April 6, 2007

LA Premiere of HBO's "Entourage" Season 3

Last night, the cast of HBO's "Entourage" celebrated their 3rd season of the show!

The stars were out in full force!

Here's a look!

It's Hilary & Haylie Fluff!!!

Doesn't Hilary look like she hasn't slept in days!? Hmmmm....somethings different about her...cosmetic surgery???'s the bobsy twins holding hands...

Look who else showed up!!!
The one...the only...Mary J. Blige...

Also...Doesn't Mark Walhberg (Producer/Creator) look good...

And the man of the hour...

I only have one concern about this night...does anyone else think Hilary Fluff might have gotten something done???

She just looks STRANGE!!!

Photo Sources: Getty Images

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