Tuesday, April 17, 2007


So today I was reminded about how much people talk shit about people.

I learned a long time ago that if you find out something about someone...from someone else that is bad...don't open your mouth even if it's your best friend. By doing this you are instantly the creator of drama.

At the end of the day, the messenger always gets shot. Unfortunately.

Once that person makes the decision to tell someone that they have learned that someone is talking crap about them, it is unfair to that person to not bring forth their name.
If you don't tell that person who it is...then don't bother telling them in the first place that people are trash talking them. It's just unfair & makes matters worse.

Anyway, I bring this up because recently I have discovered that someone I know is talking about me and a close friend of mine behind our back.
Saying that we are trouble and bad news...
What's worse is that they are calling us huge 'sluts' and so on...and to stay away from us.
Apparently, we have quite the reputation in Toronto.
Maybe it's jealousy...?
Maybe it's mis-communication...?
Maybe they are upset because they think I did something horrible to them...?
Should they confront me instead of telling other people about how terrible I am?
But then I wouldn't get kicks out of the stupidity and immaturity of others...lol.
To be honest though...it doesn't really bother me...it's kinda fun, because I look where it comes from.

Unfortunately...What upsets me the most is that, apparently this 'trash-talker' told someone that had a 'thing' for me...
Now, this person has 'backed off' because of what they have heard.

It's quite tricky and sticky...lol...but quite frankly I don't care...even though I know who that person is.
I will not be the 'co-pilot' in DRAMA by getting mad at this person or confronting them about what they have said about me...instead I will annoy them with a tremendous amount of kindness...

Like the saying goes, "Keep your friends close & your enemies closer."

Now...if anyone knows me & knows me well...they know exactly how busy I am to be a "slut". If you don't, let me tell you a little about what I do...
First off, I have the most insane school schedule. I have class every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 8:00a.m.-8:00p.m.
& FYI...No that doesn't usually include a lunch break...I work in the entertainment business...we don't get lunch breaks...and even if we do...it's a MAX of 15-20 mins.
Secondly, the days that I am not at school, I work at the Magazine headoffice for Fresh Magazine, the up&coming new entertainment lifestyle magazine I now work for. I'm sure many of you have seen my interview updates on facebook even if you weren't aware I did work for a Magazine. So these dates usually include Mondays & Fridays.
Thirdly, the time I do have to spare usually gets alloted to my personal trainer, who is married by the way...in order to build the body I want.
Lastly, Any other time I have is then devoted to my website....
OH!!! & Keep in mind!!! I am also starting a working on a business plan to create the most extensive production company in Toronto with my best friend Kyle...just ask him! ALSO...
Keep in mind, I also need time for homework ; )
Now ask yourself this question, do you see any time for someone with my kind of schedule to be a "slut"?
If your answer is 'yes'...go fuck yourself!...LMAO...haha

Now, as you can see...both me and my friend have a lot going for ourselves. Both him and I, have a very busy schedule...and quite frankly...we don't give a 'flying-fuck' about what people say...I just only wrote this because, for those of you who know me, they know I usually write my feelings. I'm a writer...that's what we do.

In closing, I wish to express that I am not mad or upset by any means. I just hope that when people get to know me, they become aware about just how good of a friend I can be. Ask those closest to me...

Love Always,


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